Emergency Contacts

CIS Office: 918.358.5735
Jeff Craig: 281.799.7005


Stop Work Authority is a policy that empowers all workers to stop work, notify, correct, and resume approach for resolving the situation if a hazardous condition exists. Under federal law, employers must provide a safe and healthful workplace free of recognized hazards. That means that you, as an employee, are protected against employer retaliation if you deem the work environment unsafe. Never assume that another employee is going to report the situation and mitigate the problem. As an Inspector, or CIS employee, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of yourself and others around you. Make safety your number one priority so we can all go home at the end of the day, every day.


As an employee of CIS it is your responsibility to report injuries immediately (Within 24 HRS) to appropriate field personnel and also to CIS home office (918) 358-5735.

The most important reason that we ask you to report all injuries is to allow us to arrange for prompt medical treatment. Proper medical care is important to reduce the possibility of a minor injury becoming worse. The cable that breaks can start from just a few broken strands. 

Along with reporting Injuries, reporting “near misses” are just as important. For every serious accident, there are a greater number of minor accidents and near misses. When a near miss is ignored, the odds escalate that a serious accident will occur. Uncontrolled hazards are pre-sent in every working environment. We want to identify these hazards and cut out as much as possible. By reporting both injuries and near misses SAFETY AWARENESS will increase for you and your coworkers thus creating a better/safer working environment for all. 


When an Injury or Incident occurs, the following steps must be followed:

  1. If the incident results in an injury to an employee – the employee’s health and safety is the #1 priority. Please tend to the injured employee before beginning any other steps. If it’s a non-injury incident an immediate phone call to Cleveland Integrity Safety Department is required.

  2. An immediate phone call must be made to Jeff Craig, Cell 24/7: 218.799.7005. All notifications must be immediate of the incident to help ensure the best care for the affected employee. If the employee needs medical help, the designated safety representative and or management should accompany employee to the health care facility. If the injured worker is unable to make the phone call for any reason, the worker’s supervisor or first responding employee needs to immediately contact the Cleveland Safety Department once aware. We must also be immediately notified of all non-injury related incidents.

  3. At the direction of the Cleveland Integrity Services Senior Safety Director and/or a member of the executive management team, the supervisor or direct employee shall begin completing the “CIS Incident Report” as well as initiating the investigation and getting statements from the injured employee and witness(es). If the supervisor or direct employee is unsure if contact has been made to the CIS Safety Department, they must reach out immediately before any further action.

  4. A Post Accident/Incident drug and alcohol screen must be accomplished within 24 hours of injury/incident when required by management.

  5. At the direction of the Cleveland Integrity Services Senior Safety Director and/or a member of the executive management team, a thorough site investigation should be completed within a timely manner and all pictures, reports, etc…must be sent to the Cleveland office along with the CIS Incident Report included in your Hire Packet. As directed, the CIS Incident Report needs to be turned in within 24 Hours of any and all work-related incidents whether it is an injury or non-injury incident.

  6. Once all Injury/Incident documentation is completed, fax or email a copy to the Cleveland Integrity Office at 918-358-5677 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  7. The immediate supervisor as well as management at the Cleveland Integrity office needs to continue to check on injured employee until he/she returns to full duty.